Try the "Downward Wood Chop with Medicine Ball"
From Mike Pedersen
Golf swing training may mean different things to different golfers. But the golf swing training I'm referring to means training your muscles specific to the golf swing by using resistance, and thereby producing maximum driving distance.
Golf swing training can incorporate exercise tubing, a single dumbbell, a weighted medicine ball, and even a weighted club. Any of these approaches will result in a more powerful golf swing that produces more yards off the tee.
The main muscles that need to be trained and strengthened for driving distance isare the core rotational muscles. This is the engine to your golf swing. The supporting muscles groups such as shoulders, arms and even wrists play important secondary roles in achieving maximum driving distance.
One simple golf swing training exercise I use employs a weighted medicine ball. This ball can be purchased at your local fitness equipment store or on the Web and doesn't cost too much. You will see an almost instant improvement in your power and driving distance doing the exercise we call the Downard Wood Chop with Medicine Ball. Here's how to do it:
Downward Wood Chop with Medicine Ball
• Stand tall holding medicine ball with both hands.
• Start with ball to the right, above head, and with torse turned to the right.
• Move ball from high position to low position, from right to left across body and downward, like chopping wood.
• Reach the finish position with the ball across body, body turned to left, knees bent.
• Ten repetitions for 2 sets both directions.
Benefits to Golf Swing
• Quickly improve your downswing power and clubhead speed.
• Improve range of motion through impact.
• Dynamically strengthen golf muscles involved with downswing.
• Build muscular endurance specific to the swing.
You will quickly notice an improvement in your ability to produce higher clubhead speeds during the downswing. This will result in more power at impact and greater driving distance. You can do this exercise in the convenience of your home every day.
This is just one simple golf swing training exercise of many that you can do to effectively improve your golf swing power and consistency.
Go slow with any new exercise you have not performed in the past. Check with your physician before undertaking any new physical training program.
Photos courtesy of Perform Better Golf, Inc.; used with permission
About the Author
Mike Pedersen is a well-known golf performance training expert who has produced DVDs, books and websites focused on improving golfers’ physical abilities to play their best golf. For more information about Mike and his programs, visit www.performbettergolf.com.
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